Dating as a Designer

Though my time in the fashion industry has been short, my career choice has certainly impacted many aspects of my life. As a young person in fashion, most of my friends have come from past industry jobs or school, and many of my hobbies are based around my artistic career. However, being in this industry has impacted me in ways that I would have never expected.
Dating is tough as it is, but trying to date while being in the fashion industry has brought on a whole new set of challenges.
I’ve found that going into dates, many people have false stereotypes and expectations of my personality. They expect an airheaded, pink-loving, Elle Woods type, completely unaware of anything other than the season’s hottest fashions. I’m often compared to characters from movies and television, which reflect absolutely zero aspects of my life. “You’re in fashion? Oh so is your life like ‘The Devil Wears Prada’?” Well, it might be, except I don’t live in New York, I don’t work for a top rated fashion magazine, and my boss isn’t a snooty monster sent up from the underworld to torture interns. I genuinely enjoy my work, unlike so many industry people depicted in media. People on dating apps and social media sites are even worse than people I meet in person; time and time again, I get messages saying things like, “You’re in fashion? Maybe you can help me with my style”. Or the even more bold, “If you’re in fashion, you probably hate me”. Hate someone for their clothes? Definitely not. Hate someone for their unimaginative DM? Probably.
All in all, being in the fashion industry has had a hugely positive impact on my life. It has taught me a lot, sent me to cool places, and it has given me many unique opportunities… it just won’t be helping me find my prince charming any time soon.


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